What’s Going On? 3/15/13

So, we are back on the protocol, kinda. This week has been a week of catch up for me still muddled with things I’ve obliged myself to. I honestly need to learn the lesson not to volunteer for anything during the week and during the day.  I don’t know what possessed me to volunteer to RUN the school book fair.  But, that’s neither here or there on to my beautiful wonderful kids.

This week has been challenging for my two older kids and the two year old is just progressing along.

Jai Lynn:

Just about everyday for the past week, Jai Lynn has been saying she doesn’t want to go to school. That it’s too noisy, too crowded and too big.  I first made sure that she wasn’t being bullied then I went into action. So we are having her leave a bit early from her classes before everyone else to lessen some of that hallway anxiety.  She’s been doing a great job with her work.  On her MI ACCESS test (a stupid test they give every year) she has improved greatly from last year she is almost at level in math and surpassed in reading.  We are still working on comprehension because although she can read at a sixth grade level, she can only comprehend at about a third grade level.  So I am working on tools that we can use for the reminder of the school year and summer to get it together for her and close the gap.

I’m not even going to say what supplements she took this week because I’m still not on track and some days we did everything we had and other days she did not. If she wasn’t in the supplement line in the am she missed out.  I am very short on time in the morning and don’t have time to track a kid down to take a supplement.  Once I get back into my “groove” it will get easier.


Marcus, Jr:

He has had a pretty good week. Teacher said he has been doing great on his work and that he can now count money up to $2.00 using coins.  He has had 2 seizures this week, both were at school, the first was on Tuesday and  he had to come home because I didn’t send in his usual jogging pants that he likes to wear after his seizures I sent in jeans. So that made him very upset and he had to come home.  Also, on that day he was still having nasal drainage and  some coughing.  So I brought him home, put him in his jammies and let him relax.  He had another seizure today, I took in the jogging pants so he stayed at school and had a pretty good day afterwards.  When he got home I noticed that his eyes are a bit red and that the tips of his ears are red and warm. The eyes are a sign of detox the ears are a sign of some sort of allergic reaction so he had some stuff going on.

Today in the grocery store he was very easily re-directed, when he started to get less focused he came back to me to hold my hand, he helped me out in the store (I do that to keep him busy and keep him from becoming  so distracted) and he listened so well.  I had to put this in writing so on a tough Autism/ADHD day I could come back to this post and see how far he has come and I could remember how great he is as a kid and how much potential he has.

Same supplement story for him.

Now today I did start the castor oil wraps back up for both and the coconut keifer.  I don’t know what I did to my milk keifer because it’s gummy, I think when it really warmed up for those few days last week it threw it off a bit. That change in temp messed with my keifer production. But we will get that back on track.  I have not started my kombucha yet hoping to start it this upcoming week.

I am learning to not beat myself up when I can’t follow the protocol like I should.  I do what I can when I can and I keep it moving.  The Divine Child drink has a new ingredient in it Tamarid and it helps detox the body from fluoride poisoning.  I have also taken out the toothpaste with fluoride, next is our water.

When you are battling Autism, Epilepsy, G6PD, or whatever your loved one faces, remember you are only human, and sometimes your going to miss giving a supplement or medication, everything is not going to be on schedule no matter how well you pencil it in.  Be OK with not being perfect, be OK with being tired, be OK with just wanting to enjoy your kids where they are sometimes.

Always try and find the good in your child, it’s there.  I’ve shifted my thinking for my sons, instead of saying, “he’s so bad” or “he’s never focused” or “he’s just a mess to “my God boy you are super curious, let’s help you discover” I’m learning to help them discover a world that they have never known.  It keep me from going mad and it keeps them wanting to learn and happy.  I work on my son’s a lot because they are the most work.  Even though the two year old isn’t Autistic or anything else he is still a handful.  Funny but sometimes it seems as if he and my older son are at the same level mentally so it’s often like having a two year old and maybe a 5 or 6 year old double teaming me. My daughter is “cool in the breeze” our largest struggle with her right now is, handling her emotions and keeping her cool.

The kids haven’t meditated or done yoga in a while so we have to get back on it soon, I think a lot of our issues stem from them not having that inner peace on lock.

Well, that is all that is going on with my family.  I’ll be starting classes soon along with running a business and a household. I’m learning to shift my thinking and get somethings together. I’ll do a me blog post later.

But kids are doing OK, we’re not where we would like to be but we’re sure as heck not where we where and that my friends is a great thing.  Looking forward to more gains with all three kids and looking forward to sharing our victories and defeats with you all.

Until next time

Wishing you Health, Wellness and Recovery,



So, let me start off with I wish my family was still on Juice Plus and I can’t wait to get us started again.  But, my entire household was sick, not normally runny nose, a sneeze here and there sick but for real, real headaches, coughing, sneezing, fevers, just overall ick. I couldn’t even lift my head off the pillow I was so sick. All my boys could do was whine and cry and Jai and my hubby where just not themselves.

Thankfully it’s over, I just have a small residual cough getting out the last of the mucus, the baby has a bit of a runny nose and everyone else just has a residual cough going on.

So during the past two weeks we really haven’t been following the protocol so we are spending this week getting back on track.  MAP has developed a new green drink so it seems as if everything is happening as it should.  The only thing we have to do is removed the fluoride which means I have to get new toothpaste and possibly new water. The toothpaste no problem but the water isn’t appealing to me, why because it means I have to make an extra stop and in my crazy busy life I don’t need an extra stop, so I will be seeing if they possibly deliver or if I can find another means to either remove the fluoride or purchase it that way from the water.

This week these are the supplements that we will be doing, they will be done every other day to make them last.

  • Acetyl L Caratine
  • Chelated Molybedum
  • Divine Child Drink
  • Keifer
  • Coconut Keifer
  • NADH
  • Zeolyte
  • Activated Charcoal
  • MRM Attention Gels
  • Min Chex

I think that’s it I’ll amend if it’s more.  We are going to also start the audio therapy this week for both as well as step up the homework.

Getting ready to get my schedules together because I need those to survive.

Just a few updates, there where no real regressions during the past two weeks, I don’t know if anyone made any gains because I was totally incoherent and everything they did got on my nerves because my head was hurting so bad.  I think that they held steady pretty well and will do great this upcoming week with our jumping back on the protocol.  Going to try to add the Juice Plus next month hopefully we won’t be adding on any more viruses.

I hope that everyone else has had an uneventful past few weeks (unless it’s good stuff) and thanks for hanging in there with me.


Quick Update

So this is a quick update on how the kids are doing:

Marcus Jr had a doctors appointment today and when he got his blood pressure taken he sat still. NEVER NEVER EVER EVER has he done that. My husband said that he sat still while he cut his hair! He did a lot of his homework without me having to prompt him to move on.  Despite the seizure this morning he had a great day.

Jai Lynn did her homework without prompting, meaning I didn’t have to ask her if she had any and what she had.  She came to me and asked me to sign her assignment book and the assignment that she completed.  I asked her some Who, What When questions she nailed them. She nailed  who the main characters where and she got the supporting characters.

Mason knew the color blue when asked and he did a good job sharing at play group today and  waiting his turn.

Today was a great day for the kids

Love and Blessings


Extra! Extra!

This time of year is tax time, it is often the favorite time of year for those of us with children on the spectrum to take that “extra” money and use it on treatments, supplements or hell just pay the bills that didn’t get paid because of treatments or supplements.

This year I haven’t the slightest clue as to what we will be doing with our tax return, nor do we know how much we will be receiving as I’m not doing them this year.  Relinquishing that bit of control for me is throwing me into a bit of a tail spin as I don’t know, I don’t know exactly when our accountant will be done, I don’t know what we will be getting , will it be just enough to pay back bills or will it be enough to pay those bills plus some?

Conceivably I would LOVE to be able to purchase a year’s worth of supplements, pay for my Divine Child drink for a year and look into getting EEG neurofeedback for both Marcus and Jai Lynn all 40 sessions. There are a few supplements that I would love to add back and add on, Neuro Protek, Juice Plus, Purple Plus, and a few others.  But, I don’t know if I will be able to.

If any of you are like us money management is not one of your strong suits.  We are truly trying this time to live below our means but it’s nearly impossible because everything we have we need. I have cut costs  to the bone.  I have made A LOT of bad business decisions over the past year and that is a piece of our angst, the other piece is the sheer cost of rent and car notes alone are enough to send the money we receive into overdrive.  Then you factor in clean water, lights and heat, food, insurance, credit card bills, internet, cell phone, gas for vehicles,  etc etc.  Most months for us are a game of “who gets paid”.  Sure we could cut off lights,  up insurance deductibles, cut done the cell phone package, change how we eat but guess what I’ve done all of that and we are still in the red big time.  If we could just get rid of the car notes and rent then life would be so much easier but unless we get a huge windfall I don’t see that happening anytime soon.

Although the supplements are a less expensive approach to Autism they are still costly especially when you are on an tight budget. So just to give you an idea of supplement cost I’m going to lay it out for you. I’m also going to give you costs of some of the other treatments that we have done yet are super expensive but they work fast. And here’s the kicker, you can do all of the super expensive treatments but, if you are not working on the underlying issues of immune system, digestive system, etc, then those expensive treatments will take longer, thus you’ll be spending more money.

So here goes, these are the items on the Dakhari’s Protocol, the ones in red are ones I’ve added.

  1. Niacinamide – $8
  2. NADH – 28.31
  3. Acetyl L Carnitine – $27
  4. Methyl B 12 – $6
  5. Coleus Forkholin – $10
  6. Phosphatidlyserine – $38
  7. Chelated Molybdenum – $7
  8. Castor Oil Wrap – 32oz $14 (not including purchasing a flannel wool wrap)
  9. Zeolite – $48
  10. Clay bath – $42
  11. Activated Charcoal – $7
  12. Divine child drink – $40
  13. Hemp seed oil – $9
  14. Enteric Coated pepermint oil – $8
  15. Serrapeptase – $28
  16. Coconut water kefir – $8 (grain purchase, not including price of purchasing coconuts)
  17. Milk kefir – $8 (Starter grain purchase, not including price of purchasing milk)
  18. Kombucha – $13 (Starter scoby, not including price of tea)
  19. Glutamine – $31
  20. Raw sauerkraut – $14
  21. MRM Attention Gels – $25
  22. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy – approx $3000 depending
  23. Aroma Therapy – approx $100 for diffuser plus the cost of the essential oils needed at approx $6-$10 per bottle
  24. Neurofeedback – $65 per session you need 40
  25. Epsom Salt bath – $5 for a bag of Epsom salt
  26. Vitamin D3 – $14
  27. Min Chex – $25
  28. Juice Plus – $28
  29. Neuro Protek – $40

And the total is…… approx. $594 that is without the Neurofeedback, Aroma Therapy and Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy.

Now, out of that list 22 of the items will either be purchased on a monthly basis or they will run out real close to monthly and that’s a lot of money if you are taking the supplements like stated on the protocol (which we are not). Also, we have multiple children taking the same supplements so a supplement that would last someone else 2 months will only last us maybe one.  So for me the concept of taking these items along with my children is out of the question for right now.   The Probiotics are things that you can make on your own and those have weekly costs associated with them(purchasing coconuts, extra milk and tea), because at this time I do not have the money to make big vats of any of them, plus I’m sure that the others have some sort of refrigerated shelf life.

This is not to mention for us that we eat a lot of organic foods, I don’t use traditional soaps, lotions and soon deodorants   I cook mainly from scratch, although cheaper more time consuming (for now).  I am trying to find less expensive ways of doing things and trying to cut costs at every turn.

Autism is not cheap, no way you cut it. If I cut out those expenses would we have more disposable to pay bills and knock down debt…yes but the quality of life it has afforded my children is priceless.   Now I am looking for a multi supplement that will help me defray the cost of purchasing  lots of mini supplements. Also, if for no other reason, doing this everyday is exhausting to say the least.

The largest part to any treatment is the easier it is the more likely I am to stick to it and this is time consuming, especially in the morning while getting ready to go anywhere be it school or church.  It is a great protocol and it works I just need to find a way to simplify it for us.

So, I’m back to running my Stampin’ Up! business and making it work.  Because we need the money not only for supplements but for other life stuff.

Now the answer to my previous desire to purchase a years worth of supplements, based on the calculations that I just performed, that is not going to happen and seeing what I spend and what I should be spending to get the full benefits of the protocol makes me hyperventilate just a bit.

In the next couple of weeks my protocol may be changing because financially I can’t keep this one up. It could be that we take some supplements every other day or just on weekends.   I’m not sure but I will be looking into some alternatives.

Until next time

Love and Blessings


*All my supplements I get off of Amazon, because I am a Prime member I get free 2 day shipping on many items. I only buy local when I have to.

Week Three “Making my Children Better” Challenge

So we are coming to a close of week three of the “Making my kids better challenge”  and this week has been the best of them all.  Here are the supplements that we are doing for our children this past week:

  • Serrapeptase 2 40,000 i.u.’s on Friday, Saturday and Sunday
  • Castor Oil Wrap Friday, Saturday Sunday
  • Clay Bath Sunday
  • Acetyl L Carnitine 1 per day 7 days
  • MRM Attention Gels up to 3 per day 7 days
  • Min Chex up to 3 per day 7 days
  • Niacinamide 1 per day 7 days
  • Chelated Molybedum 1 per day 7 days
  • Melatonin 1 mg tab per night 7 nights
  • Zeolite 1 tbsp per night 7 nights
  • Divine Child Drink 1 tblspn per day 7 days
  • NADH 1 tab 3x per week

So the gains/changes we have seen are as follows:

Marcus Jr.

  • More language that is appropriate
  • Teachers and aides reporting more focus in doing his work
  • Last time he had Seizure was Sunday, February 3, 2013 very brief quick recovery
  • Increased patience and ability to wait
  • Less frustration
  • In church on Sunday (yes he went after he had a seizure) he gave out high fives
  • He’s been helping me more in the kitchen
  • Been easier to re-direct
  • Been more affectionate
  • Asked dad, “Where is the remote” and it wasn’t a part of a “script” (no echolia)
  • He can now say how old he is

Jai Lynn

  • Less crying spells greater ability to breathe through unfavorable news
  • Greater ability to recall school day
  • Greater ability to follow directions without getting confused

Now, Jai Lynn and Marcus, Jr are two COMPLETELY different ends of the spectrum. His changes are often more drastic and easily seen hers are much more subtle. So as I think of things about either child I will be adding it here.  But both kids are doing very well.  I’m thinking that when we start doing everything on the protocol our gains will be even larger.

I will be doing more video for our YouTube channel(please email me for link and password) this weekend.  Would like to do video updates of both kids. The only kid going through growing pains is Mason, as he is almost two years old so ironically he is the most challenging child at this point. As both older kids are assisting with him and making sure he is taken care of and out of “trouble’.

This has been a great week.  We are moving upward and onward.

Love and Blessings


Side note: Because I have two kids that I have to do castor oil wraps for I warm the flannel up in the oven on 250 for about 15 minutes, let it cool and then apply, the heat lasts for about 30 minutes. It allows me to wrap two kids at once with an even heat.   My clay I have a dedicated blender to blend it in so it’s smooth.


Week One Updates

So we have been going strong for a week with Dakhari’s Protocol.  The only elements missing are the ever important probiotics but we have been doing well.  I have been doing probiotics via smoothies using greek yogurt but we don’t have keifer, raw sauerkraut,  kombucha or coconut keifer at this time will be getting some things together so we can make our own but we don’t have any left.

So for the past week we have been doing the following:

  • MRM Attention Gels – up to twice a day during school week up to three times during weekends
  • Min Chex – up to twice a day during school week up to three times a day during weekends 30 minutes before each meal
  • NADH – on Monday, Wednesday and Friday 30 minutes prior to eating
  • Divine Child Drink -1 Tablespoon every day (baby gets 1/4 tsp.)
  • Activated Charcoal – 1 capsule 1-2 times per day
  • Methyl B-12 – 1 tablet per day
  • Vitamin D3 – 3,000 i.u. per day
  • Chelated Molybdenum – 1 tablet per day
  • Niacinamide – 1 tablet per day
  • Serrapeptase – 2 capsules per day during the weekends only (Friday – Sunday)
  • Acetyl L Carnitine – 1 capsule per day
  • Castor Oil Wrap – we did one today and will do another tomorrow since they are out of school
  • Zeolite- 1 tablespoon each night
  • Epsom Salt bath – Marcus had one on Wednesday with 2 cups of Epsom Salt and both kids had one today with 1 cup of Epsom Salt after their Castor Oil Wrap
  • Clay Bath – I gave Clay Baths last Saturday they will receive one tomorrow
  • Melatonion – 1 1mg tablet 30 minutes prior to bedtime
  • For Marcus only – Vimpat 12 mL 2x per day

So some of the gains we have seen this week:

Jai Lynn:

  • Decreased emotional outbursts
  • Increased understanding of what is being told to her
  • It seems as if her memory has gotten better

This week I will begin to track her academic and social progress.  Going to try and get her involved in some youth activities at church and try to find out more on the girls in her class. Will be adjusting the working binder tomorrow (now that I have ink in my printer) with checklists so I can graph out how she’s progressing.

Marcus, Jr.:

  • He is responding appropriately to questions asked of him
  • He seems to have a greater understanding if what is going on

Although, getting him to sit through a meal is still a challenge he will still sit.  On Saturday dad asked him where my computer mouse was, Marcus, Jr said, “Right there” and reached behind some paper and handed it to me.  I then told him thank you and he said you’re welcome.  In church today they had an assignment where they had to write who or what they where thankful for and here is Marcus, Jr’s reply, the teacher said he did it himself! It has been two weeks and 4 days since his last seizure, I think this is the longest time, he has a neurology appointment this week so we have to get some test results and see what our next course of action is.  He has been a bit more edgy at times it seems only when he is trying to communicate something otherwise he has been very happy as usual.


This week we will be tracking his attention, focus, hyper activity, academic progress, and social skills.


This has been a tantrum week this week as everything no causes him to fall on the floor and cry.  We have been reading with him this week and he follows along with his finger and tries to repeat the words you say as you read.  He has been trying to have conversation (at least in his mind) and we are still working on not eating pens, markers or drawing on walls.  We started potty training (kind of) on Friday, he was happy to be in underware but continued to squat.  Because I haven’t potty trained anyone in a while I will need to read up on it 🙂

Coming up in the next month or so we will be trying some new supplements that I have discovered at a Wellness Retreat held by the church we attend. There will be a blog on all of the great resources from that retreat tomorrow.

Love and Blessings



Kid Update

My kids have been doing fairly well as far as kids go. My oldest son has still been having seizures off and on, they have been short but even with the meds we still have them.  My daughter is doing well, she has been experiencing life changes, but it’s all a part of being a girl.  The baby has been talking up a storm, still having issues with his ears but we’re holding it off with regular chiropractic visits as well as supplements.

We normally follow a protocol but we have been off of it for a bit do to some financial constraints but we are able to follow some of it.  The protocol that we normally follow is from Maximizing Autistic Potential it’s a very simple protocol, but it requires a lot of supplements.  Now, although we are not taking all of the supplements recommended at the same time, we’re doing many of them.  This is not a protocol where you have to do everything in order for it to work, it doesn’t cost an obscene amount of money to execute and it’s really not that difficult to follow, just like anything else you do it must be consistent whatever parts of it you do.  You can find the entire protocol on their Facebook page, they answer all questions and give a lot of information on their page.

My daughter has been working very hard this week on math, and reading comprehension.  Addition is fine but subtraction throws her for a loop. My goal for her for the reminder of the school year is to complete many of her math goals so that she can move on. I would like for her to be at grade level in something prior to leaving middle school, so I am becoming more diligent in the work she does at home and more diligent with her school work. I realize that I am going to have to much more diligent with her academically and also get her into some more social events and activities.

My oldest son is doing great academically but he still has issues with attention, seizures and delaying immediate gratification. Now in saying that, he is doing a great job with trying to pay attention he is trying.  He is doing a great job with requesting what he wants, we could always use more but he is doing a great job.  We are working on consistency with reading, and some math concepts. We are working on things like getting him to sit at the table when eating dinner, not running everywhere or jumping on the furniture (lol).

The baby we are working on potty training, coloring without eating markers and cleaning up after himself. I have him working on his alphabet, numbers and fine motor skills.

I have all kids doing yoga and we will be soon starting with meditation and journaling. I am currently working on a chore list for all three kids as well as journals for all three kids.

So all in all we are doing well, are there things that could done more, yes but are my kids giving their all and doing their best? Yes.  I am so proud of them and we are going to continue on our path of repairing their health and increasing their academic abilities.

So what are you proud of your children doing this past week? What gains or strides have your child made this week? Everyday you should find something to be proud of. Our kids work so hard to please us and just live with some sense of accomplishment. If you spend all of your time thinking about what your child can’t do then you’ll NEVER be able to see what your child is doing and what they are capable of.

Love and Blessings



What Do I Do?



In our world of special needs resources and treatments abound (especially in the world of Autism). The problem is choosing which resources to study and which treatments to use. Rarely in my world does just one treatment work because children on the spectrum (Autism, ADHD, OCD etc) are often suffering with several different things at once. You often can’t work on gut issues without working on the immune system, you often can’t just work on the immune system without first without making dietary changes.

So I say that to say this:

Never, ever, ever allow any source to tell you that ONE thing is going to work, that one thing will cure your child, especially if it is a pricey or questionable treatment.  The logo for autism is a puzzle piece for a reason. So below are some tips for parents new and old to the game.

  • Thoroughly research any and all treatments that your child will receive to see if it will be beneficial to your child
  • Remember that it is called a spectrum disorder for a reason, EVERYONE”S response to treatments will be different because of where they are on the spectrum.
  • Learn all you can about your loved ones different ability
  • Join a parent or support group
  • While your child is doing any treatment document, document, document. That is the only way that you will know for certain if a treatment or IEP item is working like intended
  • Take time out for yourself at least once per month, doing so will allow you to rejuvenate and be ready for battle
  • Have someone you can talk to, be it a friend, a pastor, rabbi or therapist. You need to have someone to bounce your thoughts, fears and struggles off of.
  • Be that someone to talk to for someone else, doing that will actually make you feel less alone and is therapeutic for you.
  • Know and understand that you are not alone in your battle there are others that share either the same or similar struggles as you.

Under my Autism Resources page you will see many of the resources that I have used or currently use.  Some are State of Michigan, Wayne County or Grosse Pointe specific others are world wide.

I hope that some of these resources can help you and that this blog will encourage dialogue.

Love and Blessings


Weekly Update 6-26-2012

We have been doing pretty well in the land of us.  The kids are really taking to their school lessons, I’m making sure that we stay consistent during the summer so that their minds can stay active and flexible.  Even if all my children were “neuro-typical” (which they will one day be) I will do the same.  I don’t believe that summer is the time to stop learning.  Learning is supposed to be a continuous process.

They also keep the same schedules year around, although there is a bit more freedom in the summer not too much.  Here’s why, summer vacation in the Michigan school district that we’re in is roughly 81 days.  Because of my challenges and the challenges of my children it is not worth it to me to break a schedule because of the amount of time and energy it would take for me to get them back where they need to be.  Plus, in real life you don’t get a summer vacation, not even if you’re a teacher because many of them have to take on summer jobs like college students to supplement. So this is also a life lesson.
So this weekend I made a discovery that proves my consistent point even further. My oldest son has pica, he eats non-food items. Now my husband and I noticed a trend, the problem gets worse on the weekend or when he is extremely bored or has a lot of unstructured time.  So this past weekend we caught him eating quite a few non-food items mainly rubber.  This has been going on for a while, my  husband said that he noticed it getting better with the Neuro-Feedback (I just noticed the seizures) but this surge in eating non-food items could also explain many of his stomach issues. I don’t know why I never thought of this piece before.
So we have decreased tv time again (we cut off our cable television service and have Netflix and Hulu it allows us to better control what our children are watching.), we constantly make sure that he doesn’t have non-food items in his mouth, and try to reinforce that we only eat food.  It’s going to be a long road but we’ll make it.
School work wise he is doing pretty good, working on his focus and attention to detail. Making him write slowly and neatly is a challenge but his working on it with some resistance. We are also working on his already strong math skills, reading recall, building on reading comprehension, money and time.  He got a summer bridge book from school and his teacher Ms. Wentz was wonderful to print a lot of work with for us to help us stay on his goals.  We have also started the SAS music therapy again to hopefully help with his focus and to perhaps help his mind with that sensory piece to help out with that pica. He has also started the chore of taking out the trash. There have been no seizures over the past week, nor have their been any seizure like preludes such as, bad gas, screaming, loopiness. He is eating less gluten (we’re not entirely gluten free), we have decreased computer and television time, we are doing Dr. Goldberg’s eating protocol by removing things with dies, or the color red. He takes aloe vera juice, lots of probiotics (by way of keifer and acidophilus) activated charcoal and Methyl B-12 tabs.
Jai Lynn is doing great this summer, helping in the kitchen and around the house, learning how to use a dictionary and look up definitions thus learning the meaning of words.  She is working hard on math. This week I have her adding multiple digits, we are working on the parts of speech, reading recall and comprehension and money.  Ms. Wentz also gave her a great packet of work along with a Summer Bridge Book and a Testing booklet to get her used to testing since she will be entering the 6th grade this fall.    She has also begun the SAS music therapy again, I have her listen while praticing her typing skills ( think I will have her brother do the same almost like neuro-feedback)
Mason is working on counting to 10, colors and the alphabet.  We are working on coloring on paper and not on the table or anything else that will stand still.
The all have a chore, once they get comfortable performing that chore on a regular basis I will tie money into it (the life skill of getting paid for completing a job) but for now we are having fun learning.
Well that is it for now.
Until Next Time,
Blessings and Recovery,
The Fuller’s


So went to the kids pediatrician today for Mason’s 15 month old checkup and asked her about the blood work order. And finally got the real deal, come to find out our insurance (Blue Care Network) is giving her a difficult time ordering blood work from Genova (the best), they wanted her to use one of their labs then have a nutritionist  sit down and talk to her to discuss the results (eyes slanted) . I told her I’d rather wait until hubby’s fiscal year ended in September, we’d switch to regular Blue Cross that way we wouldn’t need any referrals or anything. So we wait to start on the protocol, in the mean time we continue with the diet and supplements that we are doing. Will be starting our JP back up again as the kids really need it.

Will continue to update during the summer months.

Until Next Time,
Blessing & Recovery
The Fuller’s